Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
Girls and boys in grades 4 through 12 have an opportunity to participate in the Ministry of Altar Server. In this ministry, they assist the priest at our weekday and Sunday Liturgies and help all pray and worship well. Training takes place each year for any new servers. Art & Environment Our worship space reflects the liturgical seasons and sacramental moments celebrated throughout the church year. Volunteers share their time and talent to create an environment that supports personal prayer and public worship of the community. Children's Liturgy of the Word Adults and High School youth lead children ages 5-8 in a special sharing of the "Liturgy of the Word" during the 5:00pm and 12:15pm weekend liturgies. All catechists and youth 14 years and older are asked to participate in all safety policies for protecting God's children. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Fully initiated Catholics who are current members of the parish assist the priest with the distribution of the sacred Body and Blood of Christ at all Liturgies. All ministers attend a diocesan training and an in-house training before ministering at any given Liturgy. In-services are offered for the continued growth and understanding of this ministry and to build their faith life. Gift Bearers Singles, families, and children are encouraged to sign up and take part in this meaningful ritual during their regularly attended Liturgy. Gift Bearers carry up the gifts of bread and wine on behalf of the entire community. Greeters Women, men and children with the Ministers of Hospitality welcome parishioners to Sunday Liturgy during their regularly attended mass. They greet the people who are coming in and welcome them to our parish community. Heavenly Dusters This ministry of women as well as men clean and maintain the beauty of our worship space. They refresh and spruce up our church for Sunday Liturgies as well as before funerals, and sacramental moments. Lectors Members of the assembly 14 years and older, who possess the gift of proclamation and feel called to lector at our Sunday Liturgies, prepare and proclaim the scriptures, the general intercessions and share announcements concerning the work of our parish. Each one receives individual training and receives a lector workbook for each liturgical year. Liturgy Planners Several teams of two planners each compose the rite of Penitence, and the Prayers of the Faithful. The teams also make recommendations for the Collect, the Preface and the Eucharistic Prayer for each Sunday Liturgy. Guidance and training on the principles of good Liturgy are provided. Music Ministry Adult and youth choirs and other small ensembles lead the assembly in song and praise at each Sunday and Holy Day Liturgy. They also share their time and talent for sacramental celebrations, funerals, our parish school graduations, Advent Concert and Prayer Service, and other gatherings throughout the year. No previous vocal experience is required. Those who play an instrument are encouraged to contact the Music Ministry Coordinator. Ushers Women, men and teens welcome and assist with seating, distribution of bulletins, facilitate the monetary offering and direct the presentation of gifts at all Sunday and Holy Day Liturgies. Training and recertification in the use of the AED and CPR take place on a regular basis. |
St. Gabriel Catholic Church
9925 Johnnycake Ridge Road Concord Township, OH 44060 Phone: 440-352-8282 Fax: 440-354-7558 |